The Tale of the TechEd Europe MP3 Player

You may remember that while Gary, Oliver and myself were keeping busy at TechEd Europe last month, we also told you about a grand prize item that you could win in our DevExpress raffle. It took the form of a well-known MP3 music playing device and it was gorgeous.

The sleek and stylish 5th Generation iPodI did attempt a little “winner takes all” contest of my own, but unfortunately Oliver told me that no matter how good my wrestling skills were I was not allowed to keep it.

Microsoft used their right to exercise “The Rules” at the event, and so we had to wait until we returned home to give it away. But your chance is now here!

So what do you need to do? Simple.

  • Take a photograph of the raffle ticket that you collected from us at the event and upload it to our Facebook page with a note saying “TechEd Europe”. Tag yourself in your raffle ticket picture (you can be in the picture if you want, wearing your DevExpress t-shirt … but it’s not obligatory!). We’ll need to be able to see the number on the ticket, naturally, so please try to make it clear.

We will gather all the tickets entered and we will draw a winner from those submitted. The winner will be announced in the newsletter that will wing its way to your inbox during the week commencing December 14th.

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