Check out the CMS2Go video case study video about an excellent CMS built with DevExpress ASP.NET and ORM products:

Watch the video to learn about a powerful and slick ASP.NET CMS system from the original Developer, Don Wibier.
In the video, Don explains:
- - how the CMS2Go works
- - it’s nice features
- - the DevExpress ASP.NET products used
- - why they chose DevExpress ASP.NET
- - why it was developed
- - when it was developed
- - future plans
Meet Don
A DevExpress customer named Don Wibier had posted in our forums about a Content Management System (CMS) that he had built using nothing but DevExpress ASP.NET products. He also used eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO) for the middle layer to handle the business logic.
Watch the video to see all the great ways that Don has leveraged DevExpress ASP.NET products to create CMS2Go.
In Production
I'm very impressed that CMS2Go is live and deployed for several clients of Don's employer, Concepts2Go.
In fact, they just released their first site on this latest version of CMS2Go for their client:
Don works for a company in the Netherlands called Their website is in Dutch but don't worry, Don speaks great English and his passion for his product really shines through.
Future Plans?
Don and I discuss CMS2Go's future plans in the video interview.
Concepts2Go is investigating different scenarios to make this unique and useful CMS available for ASP.NET developers.
Contact Don with any questions or comments: twitter or email him
Thanks Don for creating this unique CMS and showing it!
Watch the CMS2Go video interview and then drop me a line below with your thoughts.
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