We just released DevExtreme v16.1.8 and added a helpful new Visual Studio integration feature. You can now right-click on your Visual Studio project and enable it to start using the DevExtreme MVC wrappers. Here are the steps:
Get started faster
DevExpress MVC Wrappers require certain assemblies and resources to be part of your ASP.NET project. Now you can add the required resources and start using the DevExpress MVC Wrappers in a few clicks.
Before you begin, please install the DevExtreme v16.1.8 release. Then follow these steps:
1. Right-click 'Add DevExtreme...'
Right-click on your project in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select Add DevExtreme to the Project
from the context menu:
2. Click 'OK'
Next, confirm your action in the dialog box and DevExtreme will begin adding its dependencies to your project.
3. That's it, you're ready!
You can see the changes in the Visual Studio Output window:
A success message means that your project is set up to use the DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Wrappers.
If there are any issues then you'll see them in this window too. It's unlikely that there will be an error but if you find any or need help, then please contact our excellent support department.
Watch the Webinar
Now that your project is ready to use DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Wrappers, start and add a Grid or Chart wrapper to it.
I recommend that you watch the webinar to learn how to add and use the DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Wrappers:
What do you think about the DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Wrappers? Drop me a line below, thanks.
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