Our documentation people have just uploaded four more screencasts for your instruction and viewing pleasure. I hesitate to say auditory pleasure, since I'm narrating, but they're certainly interesting and informative.
This latest set is all about XtraReports and introduces some simple scenarios using that product in both WinForms and ASP.NET applications.
The first guides you through how to create a simple report WinForms application in Visual Studio 2005. You'll learn how to add an empty report to your application, add static text to a report, preview and print it, and even how to run its end-user designer.
The second creates a WinForms application containing a data-aware report, again using Visual Studio 2005. You will learn how to bind a report to data using .NET data providers, edit report bands, use the Field List window to add bound report controls to the report, and number the pages in a report.
The third introduces the creation of a master-detail report at design time using Detail Report Bands. This is a very convenient way of creating reports that are bound to data containing an ADO.NET relationship because it allows both the master and detail reports to be created in the same XtraReport object. Again, this is a WinForms application.
The fourth and final lesson will guide you through the process of creating an ASP.NET application that contains a data-aware report. It describes how to use the ReportViewer and ReportToolbar controls to embed a report into a Web page, and also how to customize some options that affect the Web report application.
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