More breaking changes - eek!

08 July 2007

Although I blogged about breaking changes a little while ago, now we're on the eve of release I have a few more to talk about with regard to DXperience v2007 vol 2. It seems that the recent Release Candidate was so well received and tested by our Enterprise customers that we had to make a couple more changes (or, more likely, I forgot to mention them earlier).


The following obsolete members were removed.

  • AxisRange.Min property: use AxisRange.MinValue or AxisRange.MinValueInternal properties instead
  • AxisRange.Max property: use AxisRange.MaxValue or AxisRange.MaxValueInternal properties instead
  • AxisRange.SetMinMax method: use AxisRange.SetMinMaxValues or AxisRange.SetInternalMinMaxValues methods instead


The default value of the Brick.Value property now equals String.Empty (like the XRControl.Tag property)

ASPxperience Suite

All container controls now have the EnableHierarchyRecreation property, which is set to false by default. This means that a control's inner structure will not be reset when the view state is refreshed. This fixes a bug that caused controls embedded into containers to lose their settings (for example, see issue AQ14141).

You have nothing to worry about if you aren't changing the layout of controls within a container via code; your old code will work just as before. If, however, you do change the inner hierarchy within a container control, you will need to set the EnableHierarchyRecreation property to true so that the control layout is rebuilt. In this case, you will have to use workaround code, as described in the issue mentioned above.

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