After reading my previous post, Andrew, who along with Mike is gridmeister on our dev team, pointed
out that another, perhaps more subtle, way to use materials in our
documentation and on our website to help you evaluate our products is
to read the case studies. Not that the case studies are so thorough that they go into details about how specific functionality is
achieved, but that they give you a window into how other people have
solved business problems with our tools and libraries, how they've
approached things, and how our controls look in read-world
If you like, the case studies we publish give you a sense of
reassurance that certain things are definitely possible with our
libraries and that we at DevExpress are not just making it all up.
Once you see something is possible, your imagination is fired up.
Anyway, we've just published a new case study, one of the longest
we've done so far. And, believe you me, it's fascinating to read how Jascha
Gordon (who looks like a cross between Bryan Ferry and David Lynch)
and Line of Business Systems Ltd have used XAF (eXpressApp Framework)
as the basis for reusable software modules that can be aggregated and
customized for individual clients.
And I'm not just saying that because the company's based in England,
although that does show excellent good taste, but also because Jascha
and his team have incorporated mapping software and custom-draw
scheduling and TAPI (yes, TAPI!) into XAF.
If you read this case-study, we're definitely going to have to ship a
jaw cushion with DXperience Universal so you don't bruise your jaw
when it drops. This is Extreme XAF.
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