XAF Team (DevExpress)

XAF (WinForms UI) — Case Study by ASTGD: A Complete Medical Management System
XAF - Vanguard AI and its Trading Platform (Cross-Platform .NET App UI)
XAF – WinForms and ASP.NET UI Case Study by UKIGMO (Cross-Platform .NET App UI)
XAF - WinForms UI Case Study by PraKom Software GmbH
XAF - WinForms UI Case Study by CTL Computertechnik Lang
XAF - Check out a case-study on the New Web UI from DevPark
Case Study: Meet XAFARI - a business platform from Galaktika Corp
Case Study: Building the Workflow-Based Licensing Application with XAF
Case Study: Paid Access Control Systems built with DevExpress WPF controls & XAF
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