DevExtreme Charts - Polar Chart Annotations (v20.1)

Early last year, we introduced annotation support to DevExtreme Charts. With our v20.1 release, we’ve extended annotation support to our Polar Chart. You can now apply text, image, or custom annotations as needed. Once you create an annotation, you can attach it to a Polar Chart element (such as a series point) or display it at specific coordinates.

The new functionality described herein is available on all platforms supported by DevExtreme, including Angular, Vue, React, jQuery and ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core.

Annotation Types

To display annotations in our Polar Chart, use the new `annotations` option (accepts an array of configuration objects that represent individual annotations). Each object includes a `type` property. Supported annotation types include ‘image’, ‘text’ and ‘custom’. Based upon the desired annotation type, your configuration object must specify `image`, `text` or `template`.

The example below lists all supported annotation types:

        image="https://sun.png " 
        text="Custom text" 
    <svg *dxTemplate="let annotation of 'template'"> 
        <image attr.href="https://cloud.png" width="60" height="40" />  
        <text x="8" y="60" >and text</text>    

The configuration above generates the following visualization:

Annotation Position

You can attach an annotation to a Polar Chart UI element, or leave it unanchored at absolute coordinates. Let’s review position-related options available to you:

Unanchored Annotations

In the following example, annotations are not connected to any Polar Chart UI element. They use absolute coordinates.

annotations: [{
    x: 350,
    y: 140
}, {
    angle: -100,
    radius: 150

Annotation Anchored to an Argument

annotations: [{
    argument: "February",
    value: 7

Annotation Anchored to a Series Point

annotations: [{
    argument: "March",
    series: "Series 1"

Annotation Anchored to an Axis

annotations: [{
    argument: "May"
}, {
    value: 15

Annotations with Mixed Anchoring

In this example pixel and chart coordinates are used simultaneously:

annotations: [{
    argument: "May",
    y: 320
}, {
    value: 15,
    x: 600

Common Annotation Settings

To specify common options for all annotations, use the ‘commonAnnotationsSettings‘ option. The following code sample applies background and font color for all annotations on the Polar Chart (Angular markup is used):

<dx-common-annotation-settings color="#5258c7"> 
    <dxo-font color="#ffffff"></dxo-font>

Configuration Based on Individual Annotation Data Points

Our Polar Chart component allows you to customize individual annotations via the ‘customizeAnnotation‘ callback function. This can help those who wish to obtain an annotation array from a remote data service. In the example below, we specify a background color for the annotations that belong to the ‘ DayTemperature‘ series: 

// app.component.html
<dx-polar-chart ...
    customizeAnnotation: "customizeAnnotation"> 
    <dxi-annotation ... 
        text="Custom text 1"> 
    <dxi-annotation ... 
        text="Custom text 2"> 
    <dxi-annotation ... 
        text="Custom text 3"> 
    <dxi-annotation ... 
        text="Custom text 4"> 
// app.component.ts 
export class AppComponent {
    customizeAnnotation(item) {
        if (item.series === "DayTemperature") {
            item.color = "#5258c7";
            item.font = {
                color: "#ffffff"
        return item;

To learn more about our new Polar Chart Annotations feature, please refer to the following documentation topics: annotations, commonAnnotationSettings, customizeAnnotation.


As always, we welcome your feedback. Please comment below and let us know what you think. Alternatively, you can share your thoughts via the following discussion page: Polar Chart Annotations


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