If there's one thing you see at PDC...

If there's one thing you see, one place you want to be... this is it.

Time: Monday night, 6:55pm

Place: PDC. Exhibition hall. The Oversized 30x30 DevExpress booth.

At this time and place, DevExpress will be showing quite likely the most amazing thing ever presented at any technical conference ever (if not the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen or will ever see in the entire history and future of humanity). And that's an understatement. I haven't even begun to raise expectations yet.

I'm not kidding.

This will be the event that everyone will be blogging about and talking about. If you're there, you'll be among those who will speak with authority. If you're not, well, I don't even want to look at your face anymore.


Now, back to work on cloning my new assistant for the demo....

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