New CodeRush Plugin – DX_ReviseSelection

Just recently during one of our Live Webinars on “Working with the TextDocument and TextView” a viewer challenged us to write a plugin.

Plugin Requirements : To duplicate the selected text as a comment above the selection, as a reminder of what the code used to look like before edits that are about to be made.

So we started the clock and went to work. 13 minutes later, we were done.

The creation of the plugin was recorded, and is present within the webinar above at around 1 hour and 6 minutes into the recording.


Assuming that you assign the ReviseSelection command to Ctrl+R, simply highlight the code you’re looking to revise and hit the Ctrl+R combo


Your code will be duplicated in a comment above your selection, leaving you free to modify this code knowing you have a reference to how it used to work immediately above. Obviously once you have your new code working and passing all your tests, you can remove this comment from the file altogether.

Note: This plugin is equally happy working on either C# or VB.Net

DX_ReviseSelection is available here

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