What’s New in 13.2.8 for the DevExpress WinForms Grid Control

Thinking Out Loud
18 March 2014

If you and your team are considering ways in which to touch-enable your apps on the WinForms platform, we have lot's of interesting news we'll start sharing next month as we get nearer to our 14.1 release.

In the meantime, v13.2.8 includes an enhancement to our WinForms Grid Control to simplify the implementation of swipe gestures against individual grid rows. To best explain this feature, please review the following video.

I also wanted to share some screenshots of a "Modern UI" app we built using our touch-enabled WinForms Controls and one that Azret demonstrated at Code Palousa last month - we'll publish the project shortly so you can see how we built the app and determine if this UX makes sense for your business.

Modern UI Dashboard (showcasing our WinForms Range and Chart Control)

Windows 8 Inspired Dashboard on the WinForms Platform

Modern UI List View (showcasing our WinForms Grid, Chart and Range Control)

Windows 8 Inspired Appliction on the WinForms Platform

Modern UI Dialog (showcasing our WinForms Data Editors Library)

Windows 8 Insipird Dialog Box for the WinForms Platform

As always, please let us know what you think...we always appreciate the feedback.

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