WPF Utility Controls - New Badge Control (v19.2)

WPF Team Blog
05 February 2020
Our v19.2 release includes a new Badge control. With its API, you can display a badge over any control or UI element, be it a data grid column or a Toolbar\Ribbon item. In addition to standard WPF properties, our Badge control ships with numerous customization options.


The Badge API includes a predefined shape set. You can use predefined shapes without modification or customize a shape via the CornerRadius property: WPF Badges - Shapes


The Badge API also includes a Badge.BadgeKind property. Each BadgeKind ships with a predefined color value.

WPF Badges - BadgeKind

Color values can vary based on the DevExpress Theme used in an application.

WPF Badges - Theme Colors

You can specify custom Badge colors via Badge.Background, Badge.BorderBrush, and Badge.Foreground:

WPF Badges - Color Properties


A Badge’s default position is over the top-right corner of the parent UI element, but you can customize its horizontal\vertical alignment and anchor as needed.

WPF Badges - Position

When you display a Badge over a BarItem with a glyph, the Badge is displayed over the glyph:

WPF Badges - BarItem Badge

Content Format

You can use ContentStringFormat and ContentFormatProvider to format Badge Content when it is displayed as a string:

WPF Badges - Content Format

Useful Resources

Your Feedback Matters

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our new WPF Badge control. Are there any additional features you’d like to see us add in the future? Feel free to comment below and share your experiences with the entire DevExpress community.

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