I have to admit that I feel very lucky to have this job due to the fact that I get to meet lots of people. I feel even more blessed on the happy occasions when I get to meet female XAF developers – particularly when they blog about XAF too!
 | First of all I have to give Christina a big welcome to the bloggers’ world! I can still remember the days when I started blogging about XAF and I wish you every success on your journey Christina. In this post http://xpressapp.livejournal.com/2774.html Christina outlines reasons for using XAF and I think she does a pretty good job. In another she explains how to choose a database engine for XAF http://xpressapp.livejournal.com/3055.html. Ps: Christina can also be reached via the eXpandFramework blog. If you have a blog and post about XAF contact the eXpandFrameWork team or myself and they will be happy to republish your blog and provide a lot of publicity for your work. Keep it up Christina! |
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