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Reporting — Enhancements, Documentation Updates, Tips & Tricks (January-March 2021)
Blazor UI Enhancements and IDE Productivity (available in v20.2.6)
Blazor UI Components - New Menu (Available now in v20.2.5)
Blazor Navigation and Layout - Grid Layout - Named Areas (available in v20.2.4)
Blazor UI Components - Grid and Stack Layout for Blazor - Responsive Page Layouts (available in v20.2)
Scheduler for Blazor - Resources, Custom Fields, Form Customization (available in v20.2)
Data Grid for Blazor - Group and Total summary, Column Resize, Fixed Columns, and more (available in v20.2)
XAF – Deploy ASP.NET Core Blazor Server Apps to Azure, Linux with Nginx or Windows with IIS or macOS with Electron
eXpressApp Framework — Early Access Preview (v20.2)
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