Announcing the DevExtreme MVC Controls for ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core - Available in v17.1

ASP.NET Team Blog
27 April 2017

I'm happy to announce that the official release of our DevExtreme MVC Controls for ASP.NET MVC (v3 and higher) and .NET Core (v1.0 and v1.1) is available in the v17.1 release. We started this journey to bring the versatile client-side functionality of our DevExtreme JavaScript widgets to ASP.NET MVC almost a year ago. Some developers prefer this approach over the other excellent ASP.NET MVC Controls that we offer. If you want to catch up on some of the past news about these controls then please take a look here: 'DevExtreme MVC Controls Blog Posts Archive'.

By using the 'DevExtreme MVC Controls' you get:

  • Every Feature of DevExtreme in Your MVC App
  • DevExtreme Widgets with Razor Code Syntax
  • Seamless Data Binding
  • Client-Side Data Validation
  • 200+ Demos
  • Visual Studio Integration

Part of ASP.NET Subscription

The DevExtreme MVC controls are available as part of the ASP.NET Subscription (v17.1) installation. Learn more about our subscriptions here.

Controls not wrappers

We've been referring to our new MVC offering as 'wrappers' because they are client-side JavaScript widgets that are encapsulated in a server-side ASP.NET MVC control. 'Wrappers' was an internal codename. At DevExpress, a user interface (UI) control is something that has properties, features, functionality, UI, etc. And that's what these controls offer your ASP.NET MVC projects. So, henceforth, we'll officially call them the 'DevExtreme MVC Controls'.

v17.1 release:

It takes a lot to bring a suite of controls to release state and you'll be happy to know that we've got the important bits for you covered:

  • Documentation
  • Technical Demos that cover 200+ use-case scenarios.
  • Integrated Project Tools allow you to add DevExtreme controls to existing ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core projects.
  • Visual Studio® 2017 Support
  • C# and Visual Basic Support
  • Strongly-Typed 'EditorFor' Helpers for DevExtreme Editors

EditorFor Helpers

This was a necessary piece of functionality that we wanted to make sure was there before release. 'EditorFor' helpers simplify the data binding of DevExtreme editors to model properties. 'EditorFor' helpers auto populate widget properties (e.g. name, value, placeholder, validation settings, etc.).

More to come

What's great about these controls is that any time we add or improve the core DevExtreme JavaScript widgets, then these DevExtreme MVC Controls get the benefits too. For example, we're introducing a TreeList widget which will be part of these MVC controls too.

What do you think about the DevExtreme MVC Controls? Drop me a line below.


Twitter: @mehulharry

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