ASP.NET Combo Box Filter Minimum Length Feature (coming soon in v2010 vol 2)

ASP.NET Team Blog
05 October 2010

A handy new filtering property of the ASP.NET Combo Box will help your ASP.NET websites with performance and give your users a better experience.

The FilterMinLength property will allow you to set a minimum number of characters in the ASPxComboBox before the filtering process begins.

To see it in action, check out this demo that shows the ASPxComboBox filtering a large 20,000 record data source in seconds:



Use Filter Minimum Length For Better Performance

When the ASP.NET Combo Box is in incremental filtering mode, it has the capability to start filtering only after an end-user has typed a specific number of symbols in the editor's text box. The FilterMinLength property can be used to define the minimum length for the filter string input, after which filtering operations are initiated.

This behavior is extremely useful when the ASPxComboBox works with a large amount of data!

Applying a filter each time a new symbol is typed is not sensible due to the large size of the data set. This could affect the website’s performance.

Instead, pausing the start of filter operations by using the FilterMinLength property allows you to provide end-users with more sensible results, and to improve the performance of your page.

Coming Soon…

This new feature is part of the upcoming DXperience v2010 volume 2 release.


Do you have plans to use this feature in your ASP.NET website? Drop me a line below, thanks.


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