Check out the DXperience ASP.NET Subscription

ASP.NET Team Blog
21 August 2007


Do you want to get the best deal on ALL of our ASP.NET Suites?


The DXperience ASP.NET Subscription is your answer. Simply for two reasons, the price and bundled software. Every one of our ASP.NET suite is included in this subscription and you also get some extra products for free!


Free extras

Along with all of our ASP.NET tools you also get two great WinForms suites for free: XtraReports & XtraCharts.

The XtraReports and XtraCharts suites give you functionality for both the WinForms and ASP.NET platforms. So the reports and charts you designed for your ASP.NET application can be easily reused in a WinForms application without much coding!


A small price

You can buy each suite individually, but that would cost you almost $1,600.00. The DXperience ASP.NET Subscription will only cost you only $799.99 for the first year and $299.99 for renewal years! About half the price of what every suite is worth together.


Subscription means more

For one full year, you get access to every release which includes bug fixes, enhancements, and new features. You also get new controls that are added to this subscription at no extra cost. For example, we recently announced plans to deliver three new major ASP.NET controls: a rich text editor, spell checker and scheduler. When these controls are released, they'll automatically be included in the DXperience ASP.NET Subscription.


What do you get?

You'll receive five major suites that includes a wide range of functionality such as: Grids/Data Entry, Navigation/Layout, Charting/Data Analysis, and even Reporting/Printing Suites. Check out individual suites below to see the details and benefits of each. If you want to test drive the suites then click on the Live Demo links:

ASPxGridView and Editors™ Suite (Live Demo)

 ASPxGridView  ASPxGridViewExporter
ASPxLabel ASPxHyperLink ASPxCheckBox
 ASPxTextBox  ASPxMemo  ASPxImage
 ASPxButtonEdit  ASPxComboBox  ASPxListBox
 ASPxRadioButton  ASPxRadioButtonList  ASPxCalendar

A grid and editors library that combines blazing fast server-side data loading and manipulation along with the high responsiveness of an AJAX-enabled UI. Fully optimized for ASP.NET, it has a minimal footprint, renders to the XHTML standard, fully supports cascading style sheets and ensures seamless integration into any web application.


ASPxperience™ Suite (Live Demo)

 ASPxCallback  ASPxCloudControl  ASPxDataView
 ASPxHeadline  ASPxMenu  ASPxNavBar
 ASPxNewsControl  ASPxObjectContainer  ASPxPageControl
 ASPxPager  ASPxPopupControl  ASPxPopupMenu
 ASPxRoundPanel  ASPxSiteMapControl  ASPxSiteMapDataSource
 ASPxTabControl  ASPxTimer  ASPxTitleIndex

The ASPxperience Suite comprises a package of nearly 20 components designed for the ASP.NET 2.0. These components allow you to build advanced web navigation systems, browse data, embed media objects into web pages, control application flow and much more.


ASPxPivotGrid™ Suite (Live Demo)




A comprehensive multi-dimensional analysis component library for ASP.NET 2. The ASPxPivotGrid allows you to deliver fully configurable visual reporting solutions so that your end-users can mine and analyze their data with ease. The ASPxPivotGrid is both dynamic and fully configurable and is certain to improve your productivity and significantly improve the effectiveness of data centric applications. 


XtraReports™ Suite (Live Demo)

Report Controls
 Subreport  XRBarCode  XRChart
 XRCheckBox  XRLabel  XRLine
 XRPageBreak  XRPageInfo  XRPanel
 XRPictureBox  XRRichText  XRTable
 XRZipCode  XRShape  WinControlContainer
User Design Controls
 XRDesignPanel  XRDesignBarManager  XRDesignDockManager
Web Controls
 ReportViewer  ReportToolbar  

XtraReports Suite is our market-leading reporting platform for Windows Forms and ASP.NET developers. XtraReports integrates directly into the Visual Studio IDE to give you the same power and flexibility for report development that you have for application and website development.


XtraCharts™ Suite (Live Demo)




A universal charting and data presentation system for .NET, the XtraCharts Suite allows you to address your business needs regardless of platform. From Windows Forms and ASP.NET to the printed page, the XtraCharts Suite offers you a rich collection of chart types, unrivaled design-time experience, and superior object model.


So do you have your DXperience ASP.NET subscription yet?


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