I have good news for Visual Basic developers interested in the DevExpress Dynamic Data Grid called the ASPxDynamicGridView.
After getting several of your requests, I finally had a chance to sit down and create a VB version of the ASPxDynamicGridView that works in Dynamic Data websites.
How To Implement
To be clear, this version of our Dynamic Data grid is simply a port of the CSharp code to Visual Basic. Therefore, the original video and blog post still apply.
So go read the blog post and watch the video right now: ASP.NET Dynamic Data and DevExpress Grid
The Bits
Now you’re ready to grab the Visual Basic version of ASPxDynamicGridView and the Page Template files here: DXDynamicDataVB.zip
Code Converters
Converting code from CSharp to VB was at the heart of this project and these converters came in very handy:
- developerFusion’s online converter is one of the best and the top Google result.
- Code Converter VS plugin on Codeplex: Haven’t used it yet but hear good things about it.
- Rory Becker…
Since I’m not an expert in VB, Rory Becker was kind enough to help with the initial conversion. From there, just had to tweak a few of the declarations and build a sample Dynamic Data website. Thanks Rory! (Thanks to Aleksey on our ASP.NET team for coming up with the original C# version of the ASPxDynamicGridView.)
Community Project
The ASPxDynamicGridView is our contribution for developers that want to use the ASPxGridView in a Dynamic Data environment.
However, the ASPxDynamicGridView is not a supported product. Rather, our intention and hope is that the community enjoys, shares and benefits from each other’s experiences. That’s why the full source code of the ASPxDynamicGridView and Page Templates are available to you.
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