Check out this informative code central example that shows you how to calculate the Australian Golf Handicap using eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO):
Example Details: How to calculate Australian Golf Handicap using XPO
The example demonstrates how to use the ASPxGridView with XPO to calculate the handicap used in Australian golf. The calculation algorithm and some sample data come from the The "Rolling Sample" Handicap Calculation Method article.
The sample features:
- Linq-To-Xpo demonstration
- Instead of unbound columns, non persistent fields of XPO objects are used
- Editing similar to master-detail relationship
And it’s a complete sample. For example, here is the Player.cs file which defines the ‘Player’ class. To see the VB.NET version of this project, click the ‘Programming Language’ dropdown on the sample.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
using DevExpress.Data.Filtering;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Player : XPObject {
const Double BonusForExcellense = 0.96;
public Player()
: base() { }
public Player(Session session)
: base(session) { }
public override void AfterConstruction() {
protected String _Name;
public String Name {
get { return _Name; }
set { SetPropertyValue<String>("Name", ref _Name, value); }
public Int32 Handicap {
get {
List<Result> results = LastBestTen();
if (results.Count == 0)
return 0;
Double handicap = 0.0;
handicap = results.Average<Result>(x => x.PlayedTo); // average
handicap *= BonusForExcellense; // avarage * 0.96
handicap = Math.Round(Math.Truncate(handicap * 10) / 10); // 14.496 -> 14.4 -> 14
return Convert.ToInt32(handicap);
[Association("Player-Results", typeof(Result))]
public XPCollection<Result> Results {
get { return GetCollection<Result>("Results"); }
public List<Result> LastBestTen() {
if (Results.Count <= 10)
return Results.ToList<Result>();
XPQuery<Result> results = new XPQuery<Result>(this.Session);
var list1 = (from r in results
where (r.Player == this)
orderby r.Date descending
select r).Take(20).ToList<Result>();
var list2 = (from r in list1
orderby r.PlayedTo ascending
select r).Take(10);
return list2.ToList<Result>();
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Thanks Vest!
Vest, one of our awesome support engineers, created this sample for one of our awesome customers, Daryn.
Check out the ‘Australian Gold Handicap using XPO’ sample. Then drop me a line below with your thoughts.
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