Check out these great getting-started tutorial videos for the DevExpress ASP.NET product suite.

Build and deploy in minutes
By watching these videos, you’ll learn the complete basics of how-to:
1. Create a new web project (with layout)
2. Drop a DevExpress ASP.NET control
3. Setup the control from the designer and the source view (Databind, Themes, & more)
4. Deploy the solution
And all of the major DevExpress ASP.NET controls are covered:

You will smile :-)
When you learn how easy it is to get started with DevExpress ASP.NET, you will smile because you’ll be ready to create and deploy fast, beautiful, and powerful ASP.NET web applications.
One of the biggest hurdles in adopting any new user interface technology is during the early phases when you may not be familiar enough with the library to even do the simplest of operations, like configuring the controls or databinding. So, myself, a few devs, and our excellent video production team have created the best set of “Getting started” videos in DevExpress history to help ease you into getting the most of our ASP.NET products.
Try it yourself
First, watch the videos. Then, try it for yourself in your Visual Studio with DevExpress installed. That is the best way to learn.
We’d love to hear your feedback so please let us know. Thanks!
DXperience? What's That?
DXperience is the .NET developer's secret weapon. Get full access to a complete suite of professional components that let you instantly drop in new features, designer styles and fast performance for your applications. Try a fully-functional version of DXperience for free now:
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