ASP.NET WebForms & MVC: GridView Batch Edit (What's new in 13.2)

ASP.NET Team Blog
16 December 2013

Check out the DevExpress ASP.NET GridView's excellent new editing feature in the latest 13.2 release:

GridView Batch Editing

DevExpress ASP.NET GridView Batch Editing

The DevExpress ASP.NET Grid (ASPxGridView) control allows you to modify a batch of grid data on the client side and send it to the server in one request.


Batch Edting allows your end-users to work in the DevExpress ASP.NET GridView control with ease. They can edit all the records using the keyboard only without moving their hand to reach for the mouse. And once they're finished, the can review, cancel, or save their changes.

The DevExpress ASP.NET GridView also gives your end-users a great preview of what records have been changed before they're saved back to the server. And, like many DevExpress controls, you can choose the color that signifies an edited cell.

Note: If the end-user chooses another action like sorting while they're batch editing, the DevExpress ASP.NET GridView will ask them if they want to lose their changes. So your end-users will get a helpful notification and can choose to continue editing or choose a new action.

ASP.NET WebForms & MVC

The GridView Batch Editing feature is available for both ASP.NET WebForms and MVC platforms.

How To Use

To enable the batch editing functionality, set the Mode property to 'Batch'. In this mode, the grid data contained in a page can be edited using in-line editors. The modified cells are colored in green. All changes are maintained on the client side until the Save changes link is clicked. You can cancel all changes by clicking the Cancel changes link.

If a grid contains modified data, it displays a confirm message before a grid callback or postback is performed.

In this demo, use the Edit mode combo box (“cell” or “row”) to specify the control element used to edit the data. The Start edit action combo box (“click” or “double click”) allows you to specify the action that should be used to begin editing grid data.

Online Demos

WebForms: DevExpress ASP.NET GridView Batch Editing Demo

MVC: DevExpress ASP.NET MVC GridView Batch Edting Demo

Download the latest version of DevExpress ASP.NET today and try the slick new batch editing feature of the DevExpress ASP.NET GridView.


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