We hope you are all doing well. Our best wishes to you, your team, and your family this holiday season.
This post includes links to a few interesting Blazor-related support tickets, along with a few help topics and technical videos published over the last three months. We hope you’ll find this info useful as you explore and integrate the DevExpress Blazor UI library within your Blazor app. Should you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Interesting Support Tickets
Updated Help Topics
We extended our Blazor Gettting Started section with the following:
We added new helpful articles:
Support for .NET 5.0
Note that Microsoft updated Blazor browser support in .NET 5.0. Refer to supported browsers and supported frameworks for details.
We documented common issues and described solutions in our Troubleshooting section:
New YouTube Videos
Over the last three months, we recorded and published the following new videos:
This playlist includes all videos related to our DevExpress Blazor UI Components.
Free DevExpress Products - Get Your Copy Today
The following free DevExpress product offers remain available. Should you have any questions about the free offers below, please submit a ticket via the
DevExpress Support Center at your convenience. We'll be happy to follow-up.