To say it's been hectic around here is a wholly inadequate use of the English language. It's been ruddy nuts.
Today, we released our ExpressPivotGrid for our Delphi customers as well as a raft of other minor bug fixes and enhancements for our other VCL controls. Those who have the VCL Subscription can start downloading it this weekend from their space in the Client Center. It will formally be released for sale on Monday, and at that time we'll have opened up the newsgroup for it.
This is a great control (and it seems a little undeserving to call it a mere "control" given its functionality) that gives you some juicy data mining capabilities for your data, like drill-down, auto sorting and summarizing, arranging data into hierarchies, filtering data, and so on. More details can be found here.
As usual with our Delphi products, it comes with full source code and is either free with your VCL subscription, $329.99 for just the product, or $249.99 for existing ExpressEditors Library v5 customers.
The Developer Express VCL team have done an awesome job with this, but there's absolutely no rest for them -- cue evil CTO laugh -- apart from this weekend, that is, because they are working on some great enhancements for the grid and a rather hush-hush product that will come later this year.
And then on Monday, after a week of almost being there, the IDE productivity team will be releasing v2.0.4 of CodeRush and Refactor! Pro. If you've been watching the newsgroups, you'll have seen the version number slowly, inexorably tick up from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 to finally 2.0.4 without anything getting released, leading a wag to post that it appears as if at this rate we'll be releasing version 3.0 next Friday. Hah!
This release is essentially a set of bug fixes with no extra functionality that I know about (but I dare say Mark will prove me wrong). Oh, and we've worked out the bug with Internet Explorer 7 beta so that you can now see the new training window when that browser is installed (Dustin tells me that a COM API was changed between 6 and 7 causing the problem).
This release is free to all CodeRush/Refactor! Pro customers. I warn those customers who are on their free maintenance subscription period for the IDE productivity tools that it runs out Thursday, September 14. You'd better consider renewing otherwise you might miss out on the new functionality we're adding for *cough*ASP.NET*cough*.
And then the .NET teams are working all hours to prepare and ready DXperience 6.2 for your delectation. It's getting really close now and there's some great stuff in it, including those spiffy AJAXed ASP.NET controls you've been seeing all over our new website. More news on that later on.
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