Breaking changes for DXperience v2007 vol. 1

14 February 2007

We're getting close to releasing DXperience v2007 vol. 1. How close? Well, put it like this: it's scheduled for the first quarter of this year, and so that means within the next six weeks. I will reveal though that we've hit code freeze, and for us that means no more new functionality will be entertained and we're now in a phase of testing and bug fixing and help file proofing and example program checking, etc, etc, etc.

Actually, since we've hit code freeze, we're close enough that I want to take this opportunity to prewarn our customers about certain breaking changes that are coming down the 'pike. This is part of our new philosophy of keeping you, our customers, appraised of what we're doing at a much earlier stage than we've done before. This will help you plan how you're going to deal with our releases.

Anyway, without further ado, here's the current list of known breaking changes. I emphasize that we haven't made these to annoy you, but instead to ensure that we can move the products forward to make them more relevant and needed than before.

The first one is the biggest: DXperience v2007 vol. 1 will not support .NET Framework 1.0 or 1.1 any more, only version 2.0 or above. Similarly we won't support Visual Studio 2002 or 2003 either, only Visual Studio 2005. This breaking change has been in the pipeline for a while and indeed we surveyed our customers about it last year, with a vast majority of respondents supporting the move. (Remember DXperience v2006 vol. 3 will be supported and bugfixed for the foreseeable future, so if you are still using .NET 1.x you aren't being cut off.)

In particular, if you are using our .NET components and suites in Delphi 2005 or Delphi 2006, please note that since these products only support .NET 1.x and so you will have to continue using v2006 vol. 3.

Having got the big one out of the way, the rest of the breaking changes tend to be small and very product-focused.

XtraEditors Library

  • The type of the BaseEdit.DefaultErrorIcon, BaseEdit.ErrorIcon, GetErrorIconEventArgs.ErrorIcon properties has been changed from System.Drawing.Icon to System.Drawing.Image.
  • The DXErrorProvider.GetErrorIcon event is now static.
  • The IDXDataErrorInfo interface signature has been changed.
  • The appearance of read-only editors has been changed due to the implementation of the following suggestion: A1741.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • The MappingInfoBase.DataManager property now always returns null. You should not use this property in your code.
  • The SchedulerStorage.ResourceInserted event is no longer fired. You should use the SchedulerStorage.ResourcesInserted event instead.
  • The SchedulerStorage.ResourceChanged event is no longer fired. You should use the SchedulerStorage.ResourcesChanged event instead.
  • The SchedulerStorage.ResourceDeleted event is no longer fired. You should use the SchedulerStorage.ResourcesDeleted event instead.
  • The SchedulerViewBase.VisibleIntervals property now always returns null. You should use the SchedulerViewBase.GetVisibleIntervals and SchedulerViewBase.SetVisibleIntervals methods instead.

XtraPrinting Library

The following obsolete public members have been removed. Note that all these members have been marked obsolete for a long time and are now being finally removed.

Removed member What should be used instead
PageTableBrick.AddRow method PageTableBrick.Rows.AddRow method
LinkBase.AddReport method LinkBase.AddSubreport method
PrintControl.BrickContentZoom property This property doesn't have to be used at all
ProgressReflector.SetActiveReflector method ProgressReflector.RegisterReflector and ProgressReflector.UnregisterReflector methods
PrinterSettingsUsing.IsAllSettingsUsed property PrinterSettingsUsing.AllSettingsUsed property
PrinterSettingsUsing.IsAnySettingUsed property PrinterSettingsUsing.AnySettingUsed property
XtraPageSettings.UsefulPageSize property XtraPageSettings.UsablePageSize property
XtraPageSettings.UsefulPageRect property XtraPageSettings.UsablePageRect property

XtraReports Suite

The following obsolete public members are removed. Note that all these members have been marked obsolete for a long time and are now being finally removed.

Removed member What should be used instead
XRControl.AutoHeight property XRControl.CanShrink and XRControl.CanGrow properties
XRControl.BorderSide property XRControl.Borders property
WinControlContainer.BorderSide property WinControlContainer.Borders property
XRPageBreak.BorderSide property XRPageBreak.Borders property
XRControl.TextAlign property XRControl.TextAlignment property
XRControl.Style property You need to use appearance properties directly (XRControl.BackColor, XRControl.ForeColor, etc.)
XRControl.EventScripts property XRControl.Scripts property
XRPictureBox.SizeMode property XRPictureBox.Sizing property
XtraReport.HtmlCompessed property XtraReport.HtmlCompressed property
XtraReport.CreateFromFile method XtraReport.FromFile method
XtraReport.UseDefaultPrinterSettings property XtraReport.DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing property
XRControlStyle.BorderSide property XRControlStyle.Borders property
XRControlStyle(Color, Color, XRBorderSide, int, Font, Color) constructor XRControlStyle(Color, Color, BorderSide, int, Font, Color) constructor
StyleUsing.UseBorderSide property StyleUsing.UseBorders property
PrintOnPageEventArgs.PageNumber property PrintOnPageEventArgs.PageIndex property
XRScriptsBase.AddScripts(XRControl, XREventsScriptManager) method XRScriptsBase.AddScripts(XREventsScriptManager) method
XRSummary.Value property XRSummary.GetResult method
ControlViewData.BorderSide property ControlViewData.Borders property

ASPxperience Suite

ASPxMenu, ASPxNavBar, ASPxPopupControl, ASPxSiteMapControl, and ASPxTabControl: All the separate assemblies (DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.vX.Y, DevExpress.Web.ASPxNavBar.vX.Y, DevExpress.Web.ASPxPopupControl.vX.Y, DevExpress.Web.ASPxSiteMapControl.vX.Y, DevExpress.Web.ASPxTabControl.vX.Y) have now been united into a single assembly for the entire ASPxperience suite. The new assembly is called DevExpress.Web.v7.1.

Remember that you don't need to change references to a new assembly in your project by hand. In fact, please don't: if you're anything like me you'll forget one or two and get frustrated. You should use the Project Converter tool instead.

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