The third day, for some reason, was pretty quiet at the booth. Nevertheless there was a constant stream of customers who wanted to discuss their scenarios with us, and how we could help.
Another big event was Eiríkur Nilsson managing to beat Mark in the Beatles RockBand contest we were running at the booth. It goes without saying that this was an impressive achievement, and, given that Eiríkur wanted a CodeRush license instead of the game, means that he will be even faster at coding in the future. I'm guessing we'll have to send him a new keyboard in 6 months' time, and, if we happen to meet up at another conference, I think we should pit him and Mark head-to-head, both with CodeRush, to see who'd be faster…
Of course, yesterday being the last day of PDC, as soon as the exhibit hall closed at 4pm, we had to strike the booth. The booth infrastructure was struck by the hired help, but we had to pack the LCDs/plasmas (5 32-inchers, 2 50-inchers) and cart them off ready for next time. We'd gauged our swag requirements exactly: all of the t-shirts, caps, books, blinky lights, etc, had been given away so we didn't have to cart any remaining swag off.
All in all, a good conference. If you were there and came to introduce yourself, thank you for coming along and saying hi. If I'd promised something for you, I'll be responding next week (today's a travel day for me).
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