(Early) Sneak peek: Charts get better and better in v2010.1

10 February 2010

I twisted Damon's arm in the recent conference call on DevExpress R&D progress to show me some of the new things that his team has already added to our charting products for v2010 vol 1. This morning I got an image-laden email that caused Outlook to sweat a bit and all I can say is they've been working their tushes off for the past couple of months. I'll note there's still a good 4 weeks to go before code freeze for v2010.1 so there's bound to be another charts sneak peek before then.

So, grab yourself a cuppa and relax as I go through some of the completed new stuff.

First of all, let's look at the traditional XtraCharts product for WinForms and ASP.NET. There's a big new chart type — with many variants — for XtraCharts v2010.1: the stacked side-by-side bar chart. Here's the standard 2D look:

Stacked Bar Side-By-Side WIN

(As usual, click the image to embiggen.) Of course there's a "full" version as well:

Full Stacked Bar Side-By-Side WIN

And, it almost goes without saying that there 3D variants of them both. The normal version:

3D Stacked Bar Side-By-Side WIN

And the full version:

3D Full Stacked Bar Side-By-Side WIN

The team has also added the ability to custom draw the legend of a chart (the color, the marker size, and the text attributes):


I'm sure you'll agree that this is pretty impressive all on its own. Furthermore the team are currently working on another oft-requested feature: annotations. Since this is still under development, this is a very early snapshot (and the look may change before release), but at least you can see where they're going with this:


On the WPF side of things, in DXCharts, there is just as much forward development. Here's the stacked side-by-side bar chart:

Stacked Bar Side-By-Side WPF

And, of course, the full stacked side-by-side bar chart:

Full Stacked Bar Side-By-Side WPF

They've also already added custom-drawn Chart titles:


And custom-drawn series titles:


And, if you remember from the 2010 Roadmap, the team is also working on making the 2D charts in DXCharts compatible with Silverlight, ready for a beta version with v2010.1. As I said, the charting team has been working really hard.

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