VCL Inplace Grid Edit Forms (Coming soon in v14.1)

25 June 2014

Many months ago, we were discussing what to do for VCL 14.1 and one of the top things that came up was an Inplace Edit Form for the QuantumGrid.

Ponder the scenario: the user is displaying some data in a grid and wants to edit one of the records. In previous versions, you’d have a choice: either make the row editable or code up and display a form to edit the record. So imagine the difference if you could show the form directly inside the grid: that’s where the user is looking, that’s where the edit form is displayed.

VCL Grid Control Inplace Edit Form 14.1

Aside – there are two modes for the Inplace Edit Form: either as a form directly below the row being edited so you can still see the row (as shown above), or by hiding the row being edited. Depending on your app and your users’ requirements, you can decide for one or the other by setting a simple EditMode option.

In case you were wondering, in contrast with the new spreadsheet and map controls that I’ve spoken about here before, the inplace edit form for QuantumGrid is available in all versions of Delphi and C++Builder we currently support.

(Currently, we expect to be ready to release VCL v14.1 next week. Know that you only have a few more days to get your feedback in.)

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