DevExpress Universal v19.2 released

25 October 2019

I am pleased to announce the release of DevExpress Universal v19.2. This release includes our platform suites for WinForms, WPF, UWP, Xamarin, the assorted varieties of ASP.NET, as well as DevExtreme and Blazor. And that's even before announcing the inclusion of new features for dashboards, reporting, the Office API, CodeRush, and so on. As is usual, however, the new version of our VCL Subscription will be released in a couple of weeks' time.

For what’s new in this release — and there have been many enhancements and new features across the board — please go to this page. Also, you can always navigate to and see what’s new in the latest version, whichever version number that happens to be.

As usual, we’ve listed the Resolved Issues introduced in this release. That page also enables you to review the changes we’ve made from any release to any other.

For every major release, no matter how hard we try and minimize the impact, some new features and enhancements are bound to cause a few breaking changes. You can read about the v19.2 breaking changes here.

I pretty much say something like this with every major release: we would not be able to produce and release such robust and full-featured controls, features, and enhancements without the invaluable help of our customers. By publishing surveys, chatting with customers at conferences, reviewing comments and support tickets, we find that we can more easily focus on providing what our customers want from our products going forward. Also, we’ve been concentrating on publishing relevant posts on what we are doing, posts detailing various tips and tricks, and posts on how we aim to move forward. My strong recommendation is to monitor our community site more than ever before.

I’d like to thank everyone who provided feedback on our products throughout this year, who used and tested the various v19.2 betas we've produced and provided information on the issues they found, and, of course, to all our customers who use our products every day in their applications. We are confident that the new controls, features, and enhancements in v19.2 will strengthen and validate your trust in our products. Thank you, it is much appreciated.

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