JavaScript — Consume the DevExpress Backend Web API with Svelte (Part 5. Authenticate Users and Protect Data)

24 May 2023

In the first part of this post series, I described how to set up a Svelte Kit project to load data from the DevExpress Web API service. The second part described how I queried metadata from the service, in order to display captions customized in the Application Model. Part 3 covered sorting and filtering of data, as examples of data retrieval customized dynamically by the user at runtime. In Part 4 I added editing functionality to the demo app, including validation.

You can find source code for each stage of the demo in the GitHub repository. Here is a GitHub sample for the current post: Stage 5- Authenticate users and protect data.

Login Form for the Svelte App

When the sample solution used in this article series was first created, I chose not to activate the authentication features in the Visual Studio wizard (for educational purposes). The following few sections describe how to activate it later manually. Please note that you can achieve similar results automatically (by starting with the wizard-generated authentication code in place). However, you may need to modify certain details depending on your requirements, so it will be useful to know how everything fits together.

Table of Contents

Add Application User into Your Entity Data Model for Security Functionality

Several persistent data types are used for the role-based access control system implemented in the Web API Service. Some of these can be used directly from DevExpress assemblies, others should be implemented for your application.

Note that some of the types in the sample project can be generated automatically, if you create a new project using the Visual Studio wizard and select the options to activate authentication modules. Some code is included in this post for reference purposes, and it is possible that details of the sample application code have been modified, even if they started out with the auto-generated code. In your own real-world project you will need to make your own changes!

The topic Authenticate Web API in the DevExpress documentation explains some details about JWT and OAuth authentication, I recommend reading it.

In the Module project, add two types to the BusinessObjects folder:

  • The type ApplicationUser in the file ApplicationUser.cs (this class is helpful to add custom fields to your 'User' entity like Email, Birthday, etc.)
  • The type ApplicationUserLoginInfo in the file ApplicationUserLoginInfo.cs

Now edit the file XAFAppDbContext.cs in the same folder and add properties for the persistent types. This includes a few entries required for correct handling of the basic library types that underly these data structures. Also add the instructions to the method OnModelCreating:

public class XAFAppEFCoreDbContext : DbContext {
  public DbSet<SaleProduct> SaleProducts { get; set; }

  public DbSet<ModelDifference> ModelDifferences { get; set; }
  public DbSet<ModelDifferenceAspect> ModelDifferenceAspects { get; set; }
  public DbSet<PermissionPolicyRole> Roles { get; set; }
  public DbSet<ApplicationUser> Users { get; set; }
  public DbSet<ApplicationUserLoginInfo> UserLoginInfos { get; set; }

  protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
    modelBuilder.Entity<ApplicationUserLoginInfo>(b => {
      b.HasIndex(nameof(DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.ISecurityUserLoginInfo.LoginProviderName), nameof(DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.ISecurityUserLoginInfo.ProviderUserKey)).IsUnique();
        .HasMany(t => t.Aspects)
        .WithOne(t => t.Owner)

To register the types with the module, edit the file Module.cs and add the highlighted lines:

public sealed class XAFAppModule : ModuleBase {
  public XAFAppModule() {


    DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.SecurityModule.UsedExportedTypes = DevExpress.Persistent.Base.UsedExportedTypes.Custom;


Finally, modify the code in the method UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema, in DatabaseUpdate/Updater.cs, to generate roles and user objects. In many applications you will have some bootstrapping code along similar lines, but in this case there are two different roles and two different users created for demo purposes: the admin with all rights, and the user with limited permissions (but full access to the SaleProduct data type).

Follow this link to see the highlighted lines for the new code.

Activate Authentication for the Blazor Server App

The project for the Blazor Server app already has most of the building blocks in place. To keep it on the same level as the Web API project, here are the changes you need to make to Startup.cs, in order to activate authentication and authorization for this app.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
  services.AddXaf(Configuration, builder => {
      .AddSecuredEFCore().WithDbContext<XAFApp.Module.BusinessObjects.XAFAppEFCoreDbContext>((serviceProvider, options) => {
      .UseIntegratedMode(options => {
        options.RoleType = typeof(PermissionPolicyRole);
        options.UserType = typeof(ApplicationUser);
        options.UserLoginInfoType = typeof(ApplicationUserLoginInfo);
      .AddPasswordAuthentication(options => {
        options.IsSupportChangePassword = true;

  var authentication = services.AddAuthentication(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
    .AddCookie(options => {
      options.LoginPath = "/LoginPage";
  services.AddAuthorization(options => {
    options.DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder(

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) {



With these changes in place, you can run the first quick test: log in to the Blazor app using either the user or the admin account. The password is set from your own updater code, in case you changed it from the demo code above — in the sample app, the passwords are also user and admin.

Edit User details in the Blazor app

You will notice that the Blazor app automatically adjusts its UI to hide elements that the current user is not permitted to access. The UI for the admin user is complete, since the role used by that account has the flag IsAdministrative set to true.

Note that the security system in the Web API Service is described in detail for XAF. Please check out the documentation for all the details.

Admin view of the Blazor app

A great advantage of having the default UI for the Blazor app available is that you don’t need to create your own admin user interface to maintain users and permissions. Of course it is possible to build this functionality into your own application, but for many applications it may not be necessary.

Display the Default role in the Blazor app

You may even see it as a security advantage that the features which manipulate users and permissions don’t need to be available through the same website you make publicly available to end users.

In contrast to the Blazor Server app, the Web API Service project is missing a few more required elements. Begin by adding two NuGet packages to the csproj file. Of course you can run a NuGet instruction instead of editing the file manually.

  • DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.AspNetCore
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
    <PackageReference Include="DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.AspNetCore" Version="22.2.4" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer" Version="7.0.0" />

The package JwtBearer is optional. In the sample setup, I will enable both cookie-based and JWT authentication. In reality, you may be able to decide for one or the other of these approaches, or of course use OAuth2 instead or in addition. Cookies are more useful if you have interactive clients accessing the system, since they can be handled automatically and safely by browsers. If other types of clients, such as server-side processes, will access your service, the JWT is usually easier to deal with.

Now add the block named Authentication to the file appsettings.json in the Web API Service project.

  "Authentication": {
    "Jwt": {
      "Issuer": "XafAppWebApi",
      "Audience": "http://localhost:5173",
      "IssuerSigningKey": "XafAppWebApiSecretKeyReplaceThisTextWithYourOwnRandomSecretKey"

In a real deployment and possibly even in development, you should create your own secret key and store it safely. Here’s a topic from Microsoft that explains the best practices. You should also consider setting the Issuer and Audience depending on your requirements. This Microsoft blog post provides a useful overview.

To handle requests for user login, a controller is required in your service project. This is a standard file which the Visual Studio wizard can generate for you. Add AuthenticationController.cs to the path API/Security in the project.

Now edit Services/ObjectSpaceProviderFactory.cs. A few changes are required here, since the factory needs to store and apply a reference to the security strategy object.

NOTE: this change is not needed in v23.1+, because this file was removed in the Web API Service template (we moved this code to our library by default). 
public sealed class ObjectSpaceProviderFactory : IObjectSpaceProviderFactory {
  readonly ISecurityStrategyBase security;
  readonly ITypesInfo typesInfo;
  readonly IDbContextFactory<XAFApp.Module.BusinessObjects.XAFAppEFCoreDbContext> dbFactory;

  public ObjectSpaceProviderFactory(ISecurityStrategyBase security, ITypesInfo typesInfo, IDbContextFactory<XAFApp.Module.BusinessObjects.XAFAppEFCoreDbContext> dbFactory) { = security;
    this.typesInfo = typesInfo;
    this.dbFactory = dbFactory;

  IEnumerable<IObjectSpaceProvider> IObjectSpaceProviderFactory.CreateObjectSpaceProviders() {
    yield return new SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider<XAFApp.Module.BusinessObjects.XAFAppEFCoreDbContext>((ISelectDataSecurityProvider)security, dbFactory, typesInfo);
    yield return new NonPersistentObjectSpaceProvider(typesInfo, null);

The final change to the Web API Service project is to the file Startup.cs. The service must be configured to use apply the authentication functionality, using partly standard ASP.NET Core calls and partly XAF types. All changes apply to the ConfigureServices method:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
    .AddScoped<IObjectSpaceProviderFactory, ObjectSpaceProviderFactory>()
    .AddSingleton<IWebApiApplicationSetup, WebApiApplicationSetup>();

  services.AddXafAspNetCoreSecurity(Configuration, options => {
    options.RoleType = typeof(PermissionPolicyRole);
    options.UserType = typeof(ApplicationUser);
    options.UserLoginInfoType = typeof(ApplicationUserLoginInfo);
    options.SupportNavigationPermissionsForTypes = false;
  .AddAuthenticationStandard(options => {
    options.IsSupportChangePassword = true;
    .AddJwtBearer(options => {
      options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
        ValidIssuer = Configuration["Authentication:Jwt:Issuer"],
        ValidAudience = Configuration["Authentication:Jwt:Audience"],
        ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
        IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Configuration["Authentication:Jwt:IssuerSigningKey"]))

  services.AddAuthorization(options => {
    options.DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder(
      JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)

  services.AddDbContextFactory<XAFApp.Module.BusinessObjects.XAFAppEFCoreDbContext>((serviceProvider, options) => {
  }, ServiceLifetime.Scoped);

  services.AddScoped<IDataService, XAFApp.WebApi.Core.ValidatingDataService>();


Test JWT Authentication and Authorization (RBAC) Using External Tools

Now you can test authentication using the Web API Service. The endpoint /api/Authentication/LogIn returns a Set-Cookie header, while /api/Authentication/AuthenticateJwt returns the JWT.

> curl -i -X POST http://localhost:5273/api/Authentication/LogIn -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "userName": "user", "password": "user" }'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 09 May 2023 13:26:03 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Set-Cookie: .AspNetCore.Cookies=CfDJ8F0ijYVZUtBNoNc2zG7jNbdWJzHUn-Q8F8ejrTxzJdn9EY4jnfu1qnt2WKc4hbNfhqY4hwOwF43yku9lIlwOM8f9RhrKTarX7zEKYmYyYEZSpVs1QnP8tdUWJJQypTDkwtTTADFlyNvZUK95Tt146L0kv8mcEnhbbm8qm0mE4xg_1W-CSTiz8LQCcsYPrE1TUsVxdA696EWI5JTkJeJ4i2r5zC2NKtuFwE3YNIjQ8He9FgJ1qjYewEKYFVgjfLS5FwnMuBIwWa1N6rgI3LPWsQmbkccsEmsVTT7py-4OEHiSJ2CZKCiymmehsfrJnf10UygVRcc0ug0yM3VIeYaerrbJONRQOS1UbyTLu_V11WmfO721GqjKLJYiKGO_uUOqvy2effDCmLpZQ2fk1LTJYSN8OcIQW49tnfXgoouKHjzUp-hFwtQ25wEY_rXUM5ZY1OEGckAxn2whtup7Q4dqW_IJwEgAOpBT4jU2vQJNUSD__SuX6wZ8OMjk_1lw79UjukQfT4Hn3dyXkyultcnge6jSla6Zk8eMRTRyo61o66eCCUpbT93jI4VmlrS6Vqfd7C_5mOd_JM8hLTvE10xCfrqQu4uD7_1fEU7siNvKv4UmF78hqn3jYySzu3C0Drnz7U1ejaLUtlYFAifNTNvYtiiKyLmmV3eThBg5KsMQyO_6aK_obFsRO-Fc3MVyk_9GlA; expires=Wed, 10 May 2023 13:26:04 GMT; path=/; samesite=lax; httponly

> curl -i -X POST http://localhost:5273/api/Authentication/AuthenticateJwt -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "userName": "user", "password": "user" }'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 09 May 2023 13:27:29 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


Using a helper like the decoder on, you can find out what a JWT contains. This can certainly be an interesting exercise if you deal with authentication for the first time.

Decode a web token using

The successful execution of the calls to the Web API proves that the service is now set up to answer login requests. The final important detail to check is that access to data is not possible anymore, without logging in:

> curl -i http://localhost:5273/api/odata/SaleProduct
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 09 May 2023 13:39:36 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Location: http://localhost:5273/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fapi%2Fodata%2FSaleProduct
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer

Very good, this proves that the service does not return data of the SaleProduct type without authentication anymore. If you are curious, you can play with this further to verify that you can manually pass a valid JWT, or even a cookie, and see data returned as long as the user has the correct permissions assigned.

The fetch implementation provided by Svelte Kit has several extra featurescompared to the standard fetch API, and among these is automated handling of cookies and authorization headers. What remains is to add a page to the app that handles user logins, and to make sure that cookies are channeled to the correct places — there are some exceptions here since the service which returns the cookies runs on a different port in the demo deployment.

Begin by adding the two files +page.svelte and +page.server.js to the project in the folder src/routes/account. The component implements a combination of two forms:

{#if userName}
	<p class="font-bold mb-8">
		You are logged in as "{userName}"
	<form method="POST" action="?/logout" use:enhance>
		<button type="submit">Logout</button>
	<form method="POST" action="?/login" use:enhance>
		<label for="userName">Username</label>
		<input type="text" name="userName" id="userName" value={form?.userName || ''} />
		<label for="password">Password</label>
		<input type="password" name="password" id="password" />
		<button type="submit">Login</button>

		{#if form?.error}
			<div class="error">{form.error}</div>

In contrast to previous forms, named actions are used in this case: login and logout, which are displayed depending on the current login state. The forms are otherwise very basic, since all the handling occurs in the action implementations in +page.server.js. This is the login action:

login: async (event) => {
	const formData = Object.fromEntries(await event.request.formData());
	const response = await fetch('http://webapi:5273/api/Authentication/LogIn', {
		method: 'POST',
		headers: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json'
		body: JSON.stringify(formData)
	if (!response.ok) {
		if (response.status === 401) {
			return { ...formData, error: 'Invalid username or password' };
		} else {
			throw error(500, 'Error logging in');
	} else {
		console.log(`Login successful for user ${formData.userName}`);
		copyCookies(response, event);
		event.cookies.set('webapiDemoUserName', formData.userName, { path: '/' });

The process is straight-forward. A fetch request is executed, as you have previously tested at the command line, passing the userName and password fields that are (hopefully!) included in the form data. If anything goes wrong with that request, an error is returned for display in the UI. If all is good, you know that the response must now contain the set-cookie header, and a small helper copies this cookie to the event for further processing in the Svelte Kit framework. It uses a library called set-cookie-parser, which you need to install with a command like pnpm i -D set-cookie-parser.

function copyCookies(response, event) {
	const cookies = setCookie.parse(response);
	for (const cookie of cookies) {
		event.cookies.set(, cookie.value, cookie);

Note that this handling is only necessary because the endpoint used in the demo for the Web API Service is not recognized as being the “same” as the URL that the app itself runs on. This is because the port number is different! Depending on your deployment scenario, you may not need to copy your cookies.

At the end of the login action, the code also sets an application-level cookie called webapiDemoUserName. To take advantage of this, add the file src/routes/+layout.server.js with the following code:

export function load({ cookies }) {
	const userName = cookies.get('webapiDemoUserName');
	return { userName };

Then, edit src/routes/+layout.svelte, establish a variable userName and use it to display a login link, or the user name itself, depending on login state.


	export let data;
	$: ({ userName } = data);

<h1 class="text-2xl mt-4 mb-8 text-center">XAF Web API Service from a Svelte app</h1>

<div class="w-9/12 max-w-prose m-auto">
	<nav class="mb-8 flex gap-2">
		<a href="/saleProducts">Sale Products</a>
		<a class="ml-auto" href="/account">
			{#if userName}
				<span class="fa fa-user-circle-o mr-4" />Account "{userName}"
				<span class="fa fa-unlock mr-4" />Log in

The last new part is a fetch hook, which is required for the same reason explained above: the data service does not run on the same port as the app itself. As before, this may not apply to all deployment scenarios, but it provides a good opportunity to demonstrate the flexibility of the Svelte Kit framework. The hook function simply reestablishes the cookies when they are needed — it’s up to you to implement such a mechanism according to your own rules.

For the demo, add the following code to a new file src/hooks.server.js:

export function handleFetch({ event, request, fetch }) {
	if (request.url.startsWith('http://webapi:5273/api')) {
		request.headers.set('cookie', event.request.headers.get('cookie'));
	return fetch(request);

Consider How RBAC Works with the Web API Service

Now the sample is almost ready, but you may wonder at this point how and when you are actually going to check for permissions. The answer is that you won’t do that at all, or at least not explicitly. As you have seen on the command line, the Web API Service will only return protected data if it receives a valid authorization header or cookie. Right now, there is no built-in feature to detect whether a certain permission is available to a given set of credentials, or not. We have plans to introduce such a separate feature in the future, or of course you could add this to the service yourself.

Technically, the current situation is not bad. You need one call to attempt to fetch data from a URL, and either you’ll receive it if permissions are sufficient, or you won’t if they’re not. In some cases you may only want to find out whether a permission is available, and then this method seems a little less than elegant — but it is efficient enough since you could never make the distinction without at least one call to the service!

To distinguish the success or failure of a data call, check the code in src/lib/dataLoading.js. Around line 29 you’ll find the fetch call:

const odataUrl = `http://webapi:5273/api/odata/${shortTypeName}`;
const fetchUrl = `${odataUrl}${queryString}`;

const dataSource = fetch(fetchUrl)
	.then((res) => {
		if (res.ok) return res;
		throw new Error(`HTTP error, status: ${res.status}`);
	.then((res) => res.json())
	.then((res) => res.value);

The Web API Service currently returns a status 302 redirection if a user does not have the necessary permissions to execute a call. This is slightly suboptimal since an actual redirection on the service call level does not make sense in practice — another detail we are looking into.

Meanwhile, if you want to detect whether the call “worked” or not, I recommend passing a flag to the fetch call to prevent automatic handling of any redirections:

const dataSource = fetch(fetchUrl, { redirect: 'manual' })

With this parameter, the status 302 is returned to your code, and you can detect it in res.status and handle it any way you like. For the demo, the error text generated in the exception will be displayed on screen. However, this is only meant to illustrate exactly what happens, and it is up to you to handle this by redirection to a login form, or some other technique, in your real application projects.

Test Authenticated Data Access from the Svelte App

When you bring up the Svelte application after all these changes have been made, and navigate to the Sale Products list at http://localhost:5173/saleProducts, you see the HTTP error output now, as I described in the previous section.

Svelte app displays 302 error when access is denied

Navigate to the login form and use either account (there is currently no difference in the permissions, as far as the demo uses them) to log in.

Svelte app login form

Successfully logged in to the Svelte app

Now navigate back to the Sale Product list and you will see the data. All the existing functionality works as before!

Data view for authenticated user

Edit data row as authenticated user

Finally, you can use the Logout button on the account page, which removes the cookies from the browser.

Use JWT Authentication from the Svelte App

The cookie-based mechanism described above is the recommended approach for client apps. Additionally, I will now describe the required steps to use a JWT instead. But please note that this technique should not generally be used in client apps! The main reason why this is a bad idea is that the token retrieved from the backend must be stored securely on the client side — this is not impossible, but it’s an extra challenge that has a much safer solution in the cookie-based mechanism.

JWT access is typically used when services communicate with one another, and the concern over token safety is less pressing since the token can be kept safer on the server. In any case, since the server-side client does not use a browser, dealing with cookies would not be convenient anymore, so JWT becomes the solution of choice. Servers can be written JavaScript just like clients, and I hope that an example for JWT integration in the demo scenario will be useful for many purposes. Just remember not to implement your production client by storing the JWT in a cookie!

To allow the demo user to log in to the app using a JWT, edit svelte-frontend/src/routes/account/+page.svelte and add a button to the form. It uses the formaction attribute so that a separate server-side code block is executed when the form is submitted by this button.

<input type="password" name="password" id="password" />
<button type="submit">Login</button>
<button type="submit" formaction="?/loginJWT">Login JWT</button>

Now edit svelte-frontend/src/routes/account/+page.server.js and add the action loginJWT to the actions object. The code is similar to the existing login action (and it’s duplicated to avoid confusion, but of course it could be refactored), but the fetch endpoint is different. The JWT is retrieved by the fetch call now, and it is stored in a cookie named webapiDemoJwt (again, better don’t do this in production!).

loginJWT: async (event) => {
	const formData = Object.fromEntries(await event.request.formData());
	const response = await fetch('http://webapi:5273/api/Authentication/AuthenticateJwt', {
		method: 'POST',
		headers: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json'
		body: JSON.stringify(formData)
	if (!response.ok) {
		if (response.status === 401) {
			return { ...formData, error: 'Invalid username or password' };
		} else {
			throw error(500, 'Error logging in');
	} else {
		console.log(`JWT retrieved for user ${formData.userName}`);
		event.cookies.set('webapiDemoUserName', formData.userName, { path: '/' });
		event.cookies.set('webapiDemoJwt', await response.text(), { path: '/' });
logout: async (event) => {

Modify the logout action to remove the new cookie together with the existing webapiDemoUserName one:

logout: async (event) => {
	if (!response.ok) {
		throw error(500, 'Error logging out');
	} else {
		console.log(`Logout successful for user ${event.cookies.get('xafDemoUserName')}`);
		copyCookies(response, event);
		event.cookies.set('webapiDemoUserName', '', { path: '/' });
		event.cookies.set('webapiDemoJwt', '', { path: '/' });

To provide visual feedback for this demo and let the user know whether the current login uses a JWT, make changes to the layout pages. In svelte-frontend/src/routes/+layout.server.js, change the load function as follows, to check for the JWT cookie and return a flag to the client.

export function load({ cookies }) {
	const userName = cookies.get('webapiDemoUserName');
	const jwt = cookies.get('webapiDemoJwt');
	return { userName, hasJwt: !!jwt };

In svelte-frontend/src/routes/+layout.svelte, import the new flag hasJwt and use it to display an indicator.

	import '../app.css';
	import 'fork-awesome/css/fork-awesome.css';

	export let data;
	$: ({ userName, hasJwt } = data);

			{#if userName}
				<span class="fa fa-user-circle-o mr-4" />Account "{userName}"{hasJwt ? ' (JWT)' : ''}
				<span class="fa fa-unlock mr-4" />Log in

Finally, modify svelte-frontend/src/hooks.server.js. So far, this file copies required cookies only because the standard mechanisms ignore them if the service runs on a different base URL. Now the same technique is used to pass the Authorization header with the JWT, if this login method is currently used.

export function handleFetch({ event, request, fetch }) {
	if (request.url.startsWith('http://webapi:5273/api')) {
		const jwt = event.cookies.get('webapiDemoJwt');
		if (jwt) {
			// We are working in JWT mode, so set the Authorization header
			request.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${jwt}`);
		} else {
			request.headers.set('cookie', event.request.headers.get('cookie'));
	return fetch(request);

The client app now supports logging in using both approaches. The basic mechanism of retrieving a JWT and passing it for follow-up requests in an Authorization header can be used in applications where the browser does not automate cookie handling — keep in mind that the safety of the JWT is a very important separate concern when you go this way!


As usual, here is the link to the GitHub branch for this post: “stage-5”.

Next time I will add the capability of retrieving reports from the Web API Service.

Thank you for reading and following along!

For related information, please review the following articles: XAF Blazor | Getting Started Tutorials | Common Questions about the New DevExpress Web API Service. You can get your free copy of .NET App Security Library & Web API Service here: To learn about the advanced/paid features of our Web API Service, please refer to the following help topic: Obtain a Report from a Web API Controller Endpoint.

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