We hope everyone is safe and in good health. These are certainly challenging times – but we can get through it together.
We updated our Blazor Demo to help demonstrate our newest enhancements. Please feel free to test the new features online and share your feedback in the comments section below.
Security System
In this iteration, we focused our efforts on user authentication and group authorization features (UI). As we all know, it’s quite important for XAF developers and end-users to configure users, roles and data access rights at runtime. Our update includes the following:
- Users can log in and log off;
- Records inaccessible through permissions are hidden;
- Record fields inaccessible through permissions are displayed as 'Protected Content';
- Users can edit permissions using appropriate editors.

Since Blazor Components do not have specialized editors for certain scenarios, we used the following temporary solutions:
- Criteria properties use a multi-line text editor with syntax validation;
- The combo box for Navigation Permissions displays a plain list instead of a hierarchy.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
- Incremental filtering in lookup editors;
- Clearer expand/collapse icons in the navigation menu;
- StaticImage view item;
- An additional dark Bootswatch theme is now available - Superhero;
- The following known issues have been resolved:
- Items are now correctly aligned in popup Detail Views;
- Date editors with a value of 1/1/0001 have empty text and show the current date in the calendar.
What's Next?
We'll polish these features and hope to publish the next update in April. We have not added data input validation support (only error notifications are shown for broken rules) nor have we added a compact theme - we will work on this after the our v20.1 release (around May). For more information on our plans for Blazor UI, see eXpressApp Framework - 2020 Roadmap.
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