DevExtreme Subscription - v18.2 and What You Can Expect in mid-November

DevExtreme Team Blog
17 September 2018

Earlier this year, we published DevExtreme's 2018 Roadmap and asked for your input on our development plans.

I'm happy to say that nearly half of the features/products we announced have already been released:

Some are under active development, and others have been postponed to the v19.1 release. In addition to major features we detailed in our roadmap, several minor but high demand enhancements will be shipped in DevExtreme v18.2.

Since May 2017, many of the DevExtreme controls have been available on GitHub. This move has allowed us to publish pre-releases twice a month. Which is why, unlike the other teams, there will not be a special v18.2 CTP from the DevExtreme team. Take a look at all the great features we're working on and give us your feedback by using the links below.

Application Layout Templates

We are working on responsive application layouts. These layouts will be based on a new Drawer component and UI widgets like the TreeView, List, Toolbar, etc.

Please refer to the Drawer component discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.


Our devs who work on our Angular offerings are focused on an application template and building CLI tools for bootstrapping a new DevExtreme Angular application. These tools are based >Angular CLI and Angular Schematics.


We will not introduce any more ASP.NET MVC or Core project templates in the v18.2 release. However, we expect to create demos and examples that will help you build responsive layouts for your next web app.

Angular UI Scaffolder for ASP.NET Core CRUD API

We are working on extending our existing Razor UI scaffolder with its Angular counterpart. We will implement it using an approach that's similar to the one described in this blog post: DevExtreme MVC - New Web API and Razor View Scaffolding Wizard (v18.1). The difference is that the scaffolder will generate Angular application views with DevExtreme Angular components. The target project is Angular CLI.

DataGrid and TreeList

FilterBuilder Customization

This feature is ready for early testing. You can now limit FilterBuilder group nesting and specify the available operation set:

  maxGroupLevel: 0, // disable group nesting
  groupOperations: ["and", "or", "notAnd", "notOr"] // specify available operations

Export to Excel

This feature is under active development. Refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

Initially, we planned to port our DataGrid's export engine to our TreeList widget. After careful consideration, we decided against this easy but short-sighted approach. We decided to postpone this feature to v19.1 and refactor our implementation to help improve performance, extend export output formats and incorporate WYSIWYG export.

Command Column Customization

This feature is under active development. Please refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

Focused Row and Keyboard Navigation

This feature is under active development. Please refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.


Paging Capabilities (postponed to v19.1)

We planned to support local and remote data paging in our JavaScript PivotGrid widget. This feature didn't get a lot of survey votes and was at the bottom of our priority list. It's unlikely to be included into v18.2 but we still plan to introduce it in v19.1.


Group by Date

This feature is under active development. Please refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

Scheduler - Recurrence Editor

This feature didn't get a lot of votes and ranked lower than others. It's unlikely to ship as part of v18.2 but we still hope to include it in future iterations.

UI Widgets

New HTML/Markdown WYSIWYG Text Editor

We expect to ship this product as CTP in v18.2. Please refer to the discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

DateBox Masked Input

We are working on fixing issues discovered during internal alpha-testing. A discussion page with live demos is coming to GitHub. Feel free to check it and leave your feedback.

FileUploader Enhancements

The following features have been implemented and are available in the preview builds:

  • File uploading by chunks
  • Client-side validation (sandbox demo)


New Sankey diagram component

The Sankey diagram is not listed in our Roadmap but has been used in internal projects. Since we have had some user requests for this component, we decided to make it a part of the DevExtreme Data Visualization library.


Refer to the discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

Zoom/Scroll Enhancements

The following usage scenarios are implemented and are available for testing:

  • Value-axis Zooming: You can now zoom a chart by its Value-axis.
  • Save zoom level on data updates.
  • Scroll/Zoom to areas without data.

We are also working on the following items:

  • Interactive Zooming & Scrolling: Previously, a chart was updated only when you complete zooming/scrolling operations. We'll improve our Charting library to support continuous updates during zoom/scroll operations.
  • Area zooming by mouse selection, but there is a chance it won't be completed in time for v18.2.

Updating Data

The following data update scenarios are now supported and available for testing:

  • Append data to the end
  • Append and shift
  • Redraw from scratch

We have also implemented uninterrupted navigation during data updates (you can zoom, scroll and explore a chart while it is updated in the background) and given you the ability to jump to new data and view it in real-time. Check the live feature preview. A feature discussion page is coming soon.


Real-time UI Updates and Push Notification API

This feature is under active development. Please refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

The DevExtreme DataGrid, TreeList, and Data Layer will be improved to better work with real-time data.

Theme Builder

Online Visual Tool UX Improvements

We are working on a new ThemeBuilder UI that will simplify user experience and support the new theming capabilities that are described below.


Color Swatches

This feature has been pre-released. Please refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

CLI Tools

This feature has been pre-released. Please refer to the feature discussion page to learn more and leave your feedback.

Chart Palette Customization

This feature may not be completed in time for v18.2 and may be postponed to v19.1

React and Vue Wrappers

DevExtreme React and Vue Wrappers will officially ship in v18.2.

The following features have already been implemented and pre-released:

React Wrappers:

  • Controlled and uncontrolled modes
  • Rendering customization via native React template components or a render method (props with -Component or -Render postfixes)
  • TypeScript support
  • Type checking with React PropTypes
  • Support for the 'className' and 'ref' React attributes
  • Child configuration components (for instance, DxColumn for DataGrid columns configuration)

Vue Wrappers:

  • Data binding capabilities
    • One-way data binding
    • Two-way data binding (.sync modifier)
    • v-model support for data editors
  • Rendering customization via named slots.
  • v-on directive support (and @ shorthand)
  • Vue prop validation and type checks
  • Child configuration components (for instance, dx-column for DataGrid columns configuration)

TypeScript support for Vue Wrappers is coming soon.

You can track the progress in the corresponding GitHub repos. We are fixing known issues, improving our API and creating React and Vue demos. There are about 350 demo cases, so only a portion will be ready in mid-November.

Native React Components

React Grid - Fixed Columns

This feature has been pre-released. Documentation with live examples is available. Leave your feedback or report an issue in our GitHub repository.

React Grid - Data Summary Rows

This feature has been pre-released. Documentation with live examples is available. Leave your feedback or report an issue in our GitHub repository.

React Scheduler

Our new React Scheduler components is under active development. At present, we have implemented the following features:

  • Week, Work Week and Month views;
  • Date and view choosers;
  • All-day panel;
  • Appointment tooltips;

React Chart

The following features have been released and are available for testing:

The following features are under active development. We expect to ship by mid-November:

  • Chart palette management

The following features are expected to be released later this year:

  • Hover and selection scenarios
  • Chart animations

Native Vue Components

Vue DataGrid

The following features have been released and are available:

  • Advanced filtering
  • Banded columns
  • Virtual scrolling
  • Column chooser
  • Tree data mode

Learn more on this product in our recent blog post.

The native Vue Chart and Scheduler components have been postponed to v19.1 release.


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