Two issues with Windows 10, version 1903

25 July 2019

Although version 1903 of Windows 10 is still an optional upgrade, I’m going to guess that more people will be applying it as more news and information about it is revealed by Microsoft. Hence, in order to ensure that our code still works under this new upgrade, we have been doing some testing, the results of which means I have a couple of warnings to impart.

In essence, we have two separate issues with this latest Windows update, and both affect a wide range of our releases. (I will add that we are definitely in touch with Microsoft about these issues, and hopefully solutions will be forthcoming quickly.)

The first of these two issues is related to the new .NET Framework version 4.8, which is included with the update. In short, the bug prevents debugging a WinForms application under Visual Studio 2017 and 2019. Doing so will cause the app to crash with an unhandled exception:

The only way we’ve discovered to avoid the problem is to ensure the application is compiled to target 32bit, or to launch the app without using the debugger. This issue affects all of our WinForms releases.

The second issue is related to the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) and how we use the Windows Acrylic API to create a fluent design. This particular issue affects our demos, and also those customers who use our NavPane control with the Acrylic option enabled – that is, for v18.1 onwards. Unfortunately we have no workaround as yet. The hotfix we shall use for now is to basically disable the Acrylic feature if a specific Windows update is detected.

Again, we are in touch with Microsoft about these issues, but thought them important enough that we let you, our customers, know as well.

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