Julian Bucknall (DevExpress)

WinForms and WPF Charting–Performance improvements in v15.1
WinForms and WPF Spreadsheet: Mail-Merge, Comments, and more (Coming soon in v14.2)
WinForms and WPF Spreadsheet: Grouping and AutoFilter (Coming soon in v14.2)
What’s New in 13.2.8 for the DevExpress Spreadsheet Control
DevExpress Universal 13.1: Binding tomorrow to today
Support for XBAP: sometimes you have to call it quits
DevConnections Las Vegas 2011–And they’re off!
WPF and Silverlight Workspace Manager (coming in v2010.2)
Right-to-left language (RTL) support in our WPF controls
Merging our Silverlight and WPF UI controls
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