Kansas City Developer Conference 2014–Come See Me!

Kansa City Developer ConferenceI’m pretty excited to be heading out to Kansas City right after our stint at TechEd (take a look at what Mehul had to say on that). One of my favorite parts of what I do involves getting out and speaking to developers regarding their data visualization and analysis needs. I will also come with our freshest (and unreleased 14.1) bits to give you a sampling of some of the great things we plan to feature in our upcoming release. Please stop by with your questions/issues/suggestions.

I am also happy to say that I get to give a few talks:

Dashboarding: The Developers Role in Data Analysis, and

Practical Machine Learning.

The first talk involves understanding data visualization principles in order to maximize the potential of our dashboards. It is a product agnostic talk that really focuses on the essence of what a dashboard is and what you should embrace and avoid.

The second talk is a gentle introduction to machine learning. In essence we will be looking at building a recommendation engine as well as implementing anomaly detection. A recommender system is pretty self explanatory (we use them all of the time). Anomaly detection is the process whereby a machine detects abnormal patters in a sequence of events. It should be a lot of fun.

Per their site, “The Kansas City Developer Conference, a Kansas City based non-profit, is pleased to announce our 6th annual event. The event is on the 15th, 16th & 17th of May, 2014 and will be held at the Kansas City Convention Center in downtown Kansas City.”

There is still time to register! If you can’t attend but would like to visit with us (Amanda is coming as well) just drop me a note so we can make arrangements.

As always, if there are any comments and/or questions, feel free to get a hold of me!

Seth Juarez
Email: sethj@devexpress.com
Twitter: @SethJuarez

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