Dashboards: MVC Dashboard Viewer and Server Mode (coming soon in 14.1)

DevExpress Data Blog
03 June 2014

The Dashboard is one of my favorite products at DevExpress! I am super excited to announce two exciting features coming in 14.1. The first is a new Server Mode which dramatically speeds up our already rich dashboards. The second is a new extension for incorporating dashboards into your ASP.NET MVC applications.

Server Mode

Server Mode

Push the button – it makes things fast. The main idea is the same for all of our Server-Mode-Enabled products: we offload the hard processing to the server. It is indeed a fantastic addition to the tool.

ASP.NET MVC Extension

We have made adding extensions (in general) a whole lot easier in 14.1.

Extension Wizard

All you need to do is right click on the View and select “Insert DevExpresss MVC Extension v14.1” to fire off the wizard above.

Insert DevExpress Extension

We drop the necessary code (and partials) into the project for you. All that is left is to specify the location of the dashboard itself:

class DashboardViewerSettings {
	public static DashboardSourceModel Model {
		get { return DashboardSourceModel(); }

	private static DashboardSourceModel DashboardSourceModel() {
		DashboardSourceModel model = new DashboardSourceModel();
		model.DashboardSource = @"~\MyDashboard.xml";
		return model;

Alternatively you can use a Visual Studio created dashboard as follows:

class DashboardViewerSettings {
        public static DashboardSourceModel Model {
            get {
                return DashboardSourceModel();

        private static DashboardSourceModel DashboardSourceModel() {
            DashboardSourceModel model = new DashboardSourceModel();
            model.DashboardSource = typeof(Dashboard1);
            return model;

I think you’ll like what we’ve done!

Final Words

We are committed to innovation in the analytics area. Our dashboard tool is a manifestation of that commitment. In the next post I will show you some pretty fantastic additional features we will be introducing to our dashboards.

As always, if there are any comments and/or questions, feel free to get a hold of me!

Seth Juarez
Email: sethj@devexpress.com
Twitter: @SethJuarez

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