DevExtreme HTML5 Pivot Grid - Excel Export, Drill Down & More (Coming soon in v15.2)

Thinking Out Loud
18 November 2015

Our HTML5 team has been hard at work improving the DevExtreme HTML 5 Pivot Grid widget and with v15.2, we'll introduce the following new features/capabilities:

Excel Data Export

Once v15.2 is released, you'll be able to export Pivot Grid Data to an Excel Document. Data is exported as it's displayed inside the Pivot Grid - with sorting, filtering, cell formatting applied. As you'd expect, export operations will be executed on the client side.

HTML 5 Pivot Table Widget - Export to Excel

Drill Downs

To help improve usability and facilitate data analysis, we've incorporated drill down support for our HTML5 Pivot Grid. You can now retrieve the list of records used to calculate a specific summary value.

DevExtreme HTML 5 Pivot Table Widget - Data Drill Down

Summary Level Calculations

If you've worked with pivot tables, you'll know that it's often more important to understand how a summary value correlates with other cells than it is to know the summary value itself. To that end, v15.2 allows you to choose the appropriate summary display mode from one of the following:

  • “absoluteVariation”
  • “percentVariation”
  • “percentOfColumnTotal”
  • “percentOfRowTotal”
  • “percentOfColumnGrandTotal”
  • “percentOfRowGrandTotal”
  • “percentOfGrandTotal”
  • If a predefined mode does not address your business requirements, you can implement your own summary calculation algorithm.

And yes, our Pivot Grid widget can now display in-group or cross-group running summaries.

DevExtreme HTML5 Pivot Table Widget - Running Totals

Virtual Scrolling

When enabled, our new virtual scrolling mode divides all loaded data across multiple pages and draws only those visible. This improves performance when working with extremely large datasets. In addition, virtual scrolling allows you to load more than 5,000,000 Pivot Grid cells (the maximum number of loaded cells without virtual scrolling is 25,000).

Storing Pivot Grid State

In previous versions, if a user modified row, column, data field configurations or filter/sort conditions (etc) within the Pivot Grid, changes made by end users were lost when the widget was disposed. With this release, our HTML5 Pivot Grid widget can save its current state and therefore restore its last configuration.

Appearance and Layout Enhancements

You can now specify whether total and grand total cells are displayed prior to or after data rows/columns.

HTML 5 Pivot Table

In addition, you can now hide grand totals or values for specified fields.


If you're using our HTML5 Pivot Grid or are considering it in your next project, we'd love to hear from you. Tell us what you think of these new features.

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