WinForms Lookup Editors Enhancements (Coming soon in v16.1)

Thinking Out Loud
23 May 2016
Here's a quick Gedankenexperiment for you on a Monday. Can you think of a data-driven app that does not use Lookups and if so, what does an app like that look like?

It's hard for me to imagine a Windows app without lookups and for that reason, we ship a number of different Lookup Editors within our WinForms Data Editors Library. Among them is our standard Lookup Editor and with this release, we've extended its capabilities with the following new features: 

  • Child lookups can now be filtered based on the edit value of a parent lookup
  • The Lookup editor can now operate in ComboBox mode
  • Images within dropdown grid columns are now rendered accurately
  • RTL Support
WinForms Lookup - RTL Support

In addition to the changes above, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention an important enhancement coming to our WinForms Calendar-Date Editor - Touch Mode support. As you can see in the image below, the Calendar-Date Editor now offers a touch-friendly UI mode wherein dates can be selected using scrollable tiles.

WinForms Calendar-Date Edit Control

We'd love to hear your thoughts on these new capabilities. How likely are you to use them in your next WinForms project? 

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