Mobile Evolution: Obj-C –> TypeScript with DevExtreme

Paul Usher's Blog
18 April 2014

It still amazes me, the number of developers who have put writing mobile apps into the ‘too hard’ basket. The scenario is the same around the world… someone at a corporate level decides it would be cool to have an ‘app’, but when you start looking into it, well, it’s a nightmare. There is framework after framework, promise after promise, and then when you start looking at the costs and small print, its a mine field! The question that has been raised for years is still as relevant as ever… “do I go native or hybrid?”, well that still depends on your project, your skill set and budget, but if you are wanting to break into the mobile market at attack all three major players at once, I recommend hybrid.  People who know me would be shocked at that last statement since I love native iOS development, but the truth is simple, you cannot hit multiple platforms from the comfort of Objective-C. That’s when I decided to take on a challenge, to create a hybrid version of an existing iOS application that I developed years ago, and since TypeScript was officially released in Visual Studio Update 2, I decided it should be the language of choice.

Join me on April 29, 10am (PDT) as I turn a native iOS application into a DevExtreme generated hybrid and get maximum exposure from a single codebase. 

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