ASP.NET Team (DevExpress)

ASP.NET Bootstrap Scheduler - UI Enhancements for Mobile Devices
DevExpress UI for Blazor - Preview 11 - New Blazor TreeView Component and Improved ComboBox (Now Available)
ASP.NET Rich Text Editor (for WebForms, MVC, .NET Core and Bootstrap) - New Client HTML Printing
Blazor Roadmap - What You Can Expect in the Next Few Months from DevExpress
DevExpress UI for Blazor - Developer Diary and Preview 10 (Now Available)
ASP.NET MVC Case Study - SmartWeb
ASP.NET WebForms for Bootstrap - New Controls & Enhancements (v19.1)
ASP.NET, MVC, and XAF Popup Control – Google Chrome v75 Render Issue
DevExpress UI for Blazor - Preview 7 - New Features (Now Available)
ASP.NET WebForms and MVC GridView - Enhancements (v19.1)
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