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XAF v24.1 EAP — Tabbed MDI, Batch Edit, Notifications, Customization Form and Accessibility for Blazor, EF Core 8 and Performance Boost for Middle Tier Server
XAF v24.1 — June 2024 Roadmap (Cross-Platform .NET App UI & Web API Service)
Comprehensive Documentation for Blazor Deployments: Linux and Windows, IIS and Nginx, Cloud and On-Premise, SQL Server and PostreSQL
XAF (Cross-Platform .NET App UI & Web API Service) — Year-End Roadmap (v23.2)
Develop a DevExpress XAF and Web API Solution in Docker
Deploy and scale an XAF Blazor Server app: use Azure Kubernetes Service to serve hundreds of users
XAF – Deploy ASP.NET Core Blazor Server Apps to Azure, Linux with Nginx or Windows with IIS or macOS with Electron
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